The Challenge:

Pelleau et Associés, an architectural firm, faced the complex task of managing multiple architectural projects efficiently. They needed a centralized platform that would streamline project management, enhance collaboration, and provide real-time insights into project progress. Here’s how you tackled this challenge:

The Solution: Svelte.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, and Docker

  1. Svelte.js for a Dynamic User Interface:

    • Frontend Innovation: Svelte.js was chosen to build the frontend of the application. Its reactive and component-based architecture allowed you to create a dynamic and interactive user interface.

    • Faster Loading: Svelte’s compilation approach results in highly optimized JavaScript code, ensuring faster initial page load times. This was crucial for users who needed quick access to project information.

    • Seamless Interactivity: Svelte’s reactivity simplified the implementation of real-time updates, ensuring that all project stakeholders had access to the most current project data.

  2. Express.js for Robust Backend Services:

    • RESTful API: Express.js served as the backend framework, providing a scalable and efficient API that handled data retrieval, storage, and business logic.

    • Authentication and Authorization: You implemented authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure sensitive project data, ensuring that only authorized users could access specific project information.

    • Integration with Sequelize: Express.js seamlessly integrated with Sequelize, an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for PostgreSQL, simplifying database interactions and ensuring data integrity.

  3. PostgreSQL for Reliable Data Storage:

    • Data Integrity: PostgreSQL, a powerful open-source relational database, was chosen for its robust data integrity features. This was essential for ensuring the accuracy and consistency of project data.

    • Scalability: PostgreSQL’s scalability ensured that the application could handle the growing volume of project data as the firm took on more architectural projects.

  4. Sequelize for ORM:

    • Database Abstraction: Sequelize, as an ORM, abstracted the database interactions, allowing you to work with JavaScript objects and functions instead of raw SQL queries. This simplified database management and maintenance.
  5. Docker for Easy Deployment:

    • Containerization: Hosting the application with Docker containerization made it easy to deploy and manage the app across various environments. Docker’s portability ensured consistent behavior in development, testing, and production.

The Result: Streamlined Project Management

pelleau home

pelleau project

pelleau tasks

pelleau doc

The Pelleau et Associés Architectural Project Management App became a game-changer for the firm. It streamlined project management by providing:

  • Efficient Collaboration: Teams could collaborate seamlessly on projects, track progress, and communicate effectively within the app.

  • Real-time Updates: Svelte.js allowed for real-time updates, ensuring that all stakeholders had access to the most current project information.

  • Data Security: Express.js and PostgreSQL ensured the security and integrity of sensitive project data.

  • Scalability: The app was designed to grow with the firm, accommodating an expanding portfolio of architectural projects.

In conclusion, the Pelleau et Associés Architectural Project Management App showcases the power of a well-chosen tech stack, including Svelte.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, and Docker. It addressed the firm’s specific needs and transformed project management, making it more efficient, collaborative, and data-driven. This project stands as a testament to your expertise as a developer and your ability to deliver tailored solutions to clients in need.