The Challenge:

The Fédération Française de la Montagne et de l’Escalade (French Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing), abbreviated as FFME, is a renowned organization in France dedicated to promoting and supporting mountaineering, climbing, and outdoor activities. When tasked with developing their new website for the Pays de la Loire region, you were faced with the challenge of creating a modern, user-friendly, and content-rich platform that catered to the needs of both members and enthusiasts.

The Solution: Next.js 13 and Directus

To tackle this project effectively, you made a strategic choice by combining Next.js 13 and Directus. Here’s why:

  1. Next.js 13 for Superior Frontend Performance:

    • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): The FFME Pays de la Loire website needed to deliver dynamic content efficiently. With Next.js, you could implement SSR, significantly improving the loading speed of pages and providing a seamless user experience.

    • Code Splitting: Next.js’s automatic code splitting ensured that only essential JavaScript code was loaded, reducing initial load times and enhancing performance, crucial for a site serving diverse content.

    • Responsive Design: Leveraging the flexibility of Next.js, you were able to create a fully responsive design that adapted perfectly to various screen sizes, catering to both desktop and mobile users.

  2. Directus as the Headless CMS:

    • Content Flexibility: Directus, as a headless CMS, allowed you to structure and manage content effortlessly. It provided the freedom to design custom data models to accommodate the specific needs of FFME Pays de la Loire.

    • User-Friendly Interface: Directus’s intuitive admin interface made it easy for FFME’s team to manage and update content without requiring extensive technical knowledge. This reduced the reliance on developers for content updates.

    • Content Versioning: Directus’s built-in versioning system ensured that any changes to the content could be tracked and reverted if necessary, maintaining data integrity.

ffme admin

The Result: A Dynamic and Engaging Website

The combination of Next.js 13 and Directus proved to be a game-changer for the FFME Pays de la Loire website. The result was a high-performance, visually appealing, and user-friendly platform that met the diverse needs of FFME members and outdoor enthusiasts. Key outcomes included:

  • Improved SEO Performance: Thanks to Next.js’s SSR capabilities, the website achieved excellent SEO rankings, making it more discoverable to a wider audience.

  • Effortless Content Management: Directus empowered FFME Pays de la Loire’s team to manage and update content seamlessly, ensuring that the site remained up-to-date with the latest news and events.

  • Enhanced User Experience: The fast load times and responsive design made for a delightful user experience, whether visitors were browsing on their desktops or mobile devices.

ffme home

ffme menu

In conclusion, the FFME Pays de la Loire website stands as a testament to the power of Next.js 13 and Directus when combined in a project. It showcases the flexibility, performance, and user-friendliness that these technologies can bring to web development, ultimately delivering an exceptional online experience for the federation and its community.